Etiqueta: lab lda – Google+ Posts

Sobre la grasa y nuestra evolución

Sobre la grasa y nuestra evolución La grasa ayudó a los humanos a conquistar el mundoUna comparación con los tejidos blandos de los bonobos da pistas sobre la evolución humana

Todo lo que querías saber de los sistemas de secreción en bacterias

Todo lo que querías saber de los sistemas de secreción en bacterias Secretion systems in Gram-negative bacteria: structural and mechanistic insights : Nature Reviews Microbiology : Nature Publishing GroupTake part in Nature Publishing Group’s annual reader survey here for the chance to win a Macbook Air. We invite you to take part in a survey…
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PLOS Computational Biology: Inferring Horizontal Gene Transfer, por métodos filogenéticos…

PLOS Computational Biology: Inferring Horizontal Gene Transfer, por métodos filogenéticos… Inferring Horizontal Gene TransferHorizontal or Lateral Gene Transfer (HGT or LGT) is the transmission of portions of genomic DNA between organisms through a process decoupled from vertical inheritance . In the presence of HGT events, different fragments of the genome are the result of different…
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About two-thirds of us have Ureaplasma bacteria living in our urinary tract…

About two-thirds of us have Ureaplasma bacteria living in our urinary tract… An unexpected microbe is killing organ transplant patientsStudy fingers bacteria that cause lethal increase in ammonia levels

Artículo seminario del viernes 24 de abril:

Artículo seminario del viernes 24 de abril: Ortiz-Castro, R. et al. Transkingdom signaling based on bacterial cyclodipeptides with auxin activity in plants. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 108, 7253–7258 (2011). Transkingdom signaling based on bacterial cyclodipeptides with auxin activity in plantsAbstract Microorganisms and their hosts communicate with each other through an array of…
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Artículo del seminario viernes 17 de abril:

Artículo del seminario viernes 17 de abril: Davide Bulgarelli, Ruben Garrido-Oter, Philipp C. Münch, Aaron Weiman, Johannes Dröge, Yao Pan, Alice C. McHardy, Paul Schulze-Lefert, Structure and Function of the Bacterial Root Microbiota in Wild and Domesticated Barley, Cell Host & Microbe, Volume 17, Issue 3, 11 March 2015, Pages 392-403, ISSN 1931-3128, SummaryThe…
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Algún truco que compartir en el laboratorio? Si lo tienes y gusta, te pueden regalar una bata…

Algún truco que compartir en el laboratorio? Si lo tienes y gusta, te pueden regalar una bata… GE Life Sciences Tips and TricksHave you experienced how a small change has helped solve a common problem in the lab? Help others by sharing your own tips and tricks for the lab, and by rating tips provided…
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How a Popular Probiotic Works

How a Popular Probiotic Works How a Popular Probiotic Works | The Scientist Magazine®Eating a type of bacterium encourages the activity of other gut microbes, according to a small study.

A new interactive interface for learning R online, for free…

A new interactive interface for learning R online, for free twt DataCamp

«How often do genes move between distantly related species?» twt

"How often do genes move between distantly related species?" twt  How often do genes move between distantly related species?Did you read Matthew’s post on the okapi yesterday? I hope so, because I’m worried, in view of the dearth of comments on science posts, that people are skipping them. Perhaps that just reflects the…

two parasites, 1-host twt #blogs #feedly…

two parasites, 1-host twt #blogs #feedly  Edhazardia aedisWhen two different parasites find themselves in a small host animal like a mosquito, there is only so much of the host to go around. So there is a pretty good chance that those co-occurring parasites are going to fight it out…

«converting heterozygous mutations to homozygous mutations in the vast majority of somatic and germline…

"converting heterozygous mutations to homozygous mutations in the vast majority of somatic and germline cells" twt BioTechniques – A New Era of Genetic ManipulationA recently developed genetic tool is turning the rules of Mendelian inheritance on their head, potentially paving the way for faster genetic manipulations and genome engineering for applications as diverse as malaria…
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Should peer reviewers receive training? Should there be accreditation? #twt  

Should peer reviewers receive training? Should there be accreditation? #twt   Peer review: do we throw early career researchers in at the deep end? – BioMed Central blogShould peer reviewers receive training? Should there be accreditation? These topics and more were discussed at a recent BioMed Central roadshow in Sydney, Australia. Sarah Hayes, one of…
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Amplicones o Metagenómica. En el estudio de la diversidad microbiana

Amplicones o Metagenómica. En el estudio de la diversidad microbiana actualmente se utiliza la amplificación y secuenciación masiva de genes marcadores como el 16S rRNA, cuya comparación y análisis da lugar a árboles filogenéticos y un inventario de Unidades Taxonómicas Operativas (OTUs). En la metagenómica total se secuencia el total del DNA de una comunidad. Con la metagenómica…
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How do you raise awareness about population explosion? One group thought that the simplest way would…

How do you raise awareness about population explosion? One group thought that the simplest way would be to show people #twt Overpopulation, overconsumption – in pictures | Global Development Professionals Network | The Guardian